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On this private page only,
You can stock up on Slim Boost Nutrients

WAIT! A Brand-New Discovery Reveals How You Can DOUBLE Your Weight Loss Results —
In Almost Half the Time!


womanHey, it’s Jaime here again...

Congratulations on upgrading your order Slim Guard. You’ve made an amazing decision to secure the largest supply possible…

Because let me tell you…

woman womanI’ve personally been using Slim Guard for 9 months now…

And the results just keep getting better and better…

Sure, after the first month I had lost so much weight that people began to notice…

But now? People don’t just notice me, they can’t stop looking…

My husband can’t keep his hands off me…

And the school moms literally beg for the secret behind my slim figure…

Of course, my secret is Slim Guard

But there’s another secret I want to share with you today…

What if you could melt the fat off… Reclaim your skinny figure… TWICE as fast?

Seriously -- there’s now a science-backed way to make your results even better alongside the Slim Guard

We’re talking about burning off the fat in almost half the time…

Of course, it has nothing to do with any workout program or any crazy diet…

Instead it’s all to do with a unique type of “Weight loss fat”

columbia universityThis “Weight loss fat” Is Proven (By Researchers From Colombia University) to Rapidly Speed Up Your Fat-Burning by 228%!

In the study, researchers put forty-nine overweight men and women on a weight loss diet…

columbia universityGroup 1 consumed this special weight loss fat.

Group 2 didn’t.

Now, before I share the results with you, you need to know
that both groups were already losing weight

Which is why the results were so impressive…

The first group, the group who took this special weight loss fat…

Lost more than double the amount of weight compared to the participants in group 2!

They also lost more fat around the waist and also improved their triglyceride levels - a key marker in heart health and longevity!

The thing is, nothing else changed…

Their diets and exercise routine were identical... But this weight loss fat still increased the SPEED of their weight loss by 228%!

In another study, researchers found that this “weight loss fat” helped participants burn and extra 14lbs per year WITHOUT changing their diet… 12

But that’s just the beginning, because this weight loss fat is also proven too…


Promote a healthy scalp which can result in stronger and shinier hair.


Kill food cravings by releasing release 2 hormones that promote the feeling of fullness - peptide YY and leptin


Increase energy, motivation, adn feelings of wellbeing and happiness


Help prevent brain aging and supports healthy cognitive functioning


Fight yeast and bacterial growth


Support healthy cholesterol levels


Significantly reduce C reactive protein - a key inflammatory marker in heart disease

Can you see why I love this so much?


It’s the only way you can speed up your weight-loss results, alongside the Slim Guard.


Instead of losing 20 lbs. over the next month, what if you could do it in two weeks?


Instead of losing 40 lbs. over the two months, what if you could do it in 1 month?


Instead of losing 60 lbs. over the next 3 months, what if you could do it in 6 weeks?

That’s the opportunity in front of you today.

Introducing Slim boost!

slim boost

By the way, this “weight loss fat” is called MCT.

But don’t think for a second that you can just rush to Amazon or Whole Foods and enjoy all the benefits I've shared with you today…

See, not only is slim boost the only supplement of its kind, specifically formulated to work in synergy with Slim Guard…

Not only have we ensured that it’s manufactured to the highest standards…

But we’ve also included two more slim nutrients inside Slim Boost designed to speed up weight loss alongside Slim Guard…


Turmeric is an ancient spice known for its
anti-inflammatory and fat melting qualities.

Research shows turmeric helps regulate sugar levels which results in insulin resistance - resulting in fast weight loss.

And if that wasn't enough… It helps to boost brain hormone BDNF, which may help fight various degenerative processes in your brain.

In addition, research also shows that people consuming turmeric had
a 65% decreased risk of experiencing a heart attack

Slim boost



BioPerine is a black pepper
extract designed to do one thing…

Make sure the ingredients found inside slim guard
and slim boost are activated and maximally absorbed in your body.

In fact studies show that it can increase the absorption and effectiveness of the slim nutrients found inside slim guard and slim boost up to 200%!

Slim boost


What does this mean for you? It’s simple… You can lose all your excess fat… FASTER.

You can restore the slender and beautiful version of you… FASTER.

And you can start to enjoy compliments about your body once again… FASTER.

All because you combined Slim Guard with Slim Boost!

There’s just one catch…

We haven’t cut any corners, which means it can take a long time to produce Slim Boost

So at any given time, we only have 200 bottles in stock maximum.

And there’s no guarantee when we will be able to restock.

Which is why…

slim boost slim boostYou MUST secure your order of Slim Boost today.

And to help you make the right decision…

I’ve convinced my business partner,
Slim Sciences, to cover most of the costs.

So instead of paying the retail price of $894...

You can secure a 6-month supply for the
lowest price of just $29 per bottle.

Plus you won’t pay any extra in shipping.

Simply click the button below and it will be automatically added to your order.

money back

You’re Still Covered By Our Extended 180-Day, Results Guarantee.

This means that if you don’t see the fat melt off your body faster than ever…

If you don’t shock your friends, family and neighbors with your new youthful figure…

And if you don’t keep the weight off over the next 180-days…

Then you can get a full refund, no questions asked.

All you need to do is email our customer support team (who’s contact details will be on your receipt).

And then we’ll refund every cent you pay today…

There’s no catch. No extra charges.

And you don’t even have to return the bottles.

What will your life look like if you make the RIGHT decision today?

Listen -- girls like us always have that target date…

You know…

The date where our weight loss journey will be
complete -- and we’ll look like brand-new women…

This date may be a wedding…

A vacation…

A high school reunion…

Whatever your date is, I want you to hit it.

I want you to look incredible and turn heads…

And I want you to be the focus on every picture taken.

But this is only going to happen if you add Slim Boost to your order today.

Yes, you’ll lose weight with just Slim Guard…

But using Slim Boosy alongside it is the closest thing you can do to guaranteeing you restore your slender figure… whatever target date you have circled on your calendar.

Don’t waste another moment, click the button below to add Slim Boost
to your order.

You have to make the decision right now.

Again, we only ever have 200 bottles of Slim Boost
at any given time.

If you’re still seeing this webpage, that means we’ve reserved
6 bottles in your name.

But we can’t hold them forever...

As soon as the timer below hits 0, these bottles will be
assigned to someone else.

last chanceSo this is it…

The very last time I’m going to ask you to make the right decision…

And commit to losing weight faster than you ever thought possible.

Again, you’re covered by our extended 180-day guarantee.

But this is the last time you’ll see this incredible discounted offer…

In fact, you may never be able to order Slim Boost again.

Secure this one-time discount by clicking the button below right now.

(You won’t have to enter your payment
details again and everything will be
processed through our
secure order system).
last chance

On this private page only,
You can stock up on Slim Boost

slim boost

A Special Deal for New Customers Only!

Add an additional 6 bottles to your order



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This is the absolute lowest price you’ll ever see for Slim Guard


It protects you from future price increases as well as out of stocks

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